Convert to WETH to make offers

In the case you have ETH but have not converted to WETH to make an offer, follow the instructions below to wrap your ETH right on Shiniki Marketplace.

Step 1: Navigate to any NFT that you want to make an offer and click on "Make offer" button

Step 2: When the Make an Offer prompt appears, click on "add WETH"

Step 3: When the Uniswap embed Prompt appears, click on "Select a token"

Step 4: Choose WETH as desired token to swap

Step 5: Input the amount of ETH you want to wrap into WETH and click "Wrap ETH"

Step 6: Head to your Wallet and finish the transaction. When the Wrap Prompt shows a check mark as "Wrap confirmed", you have successfully wrapped your ETH.

Last updated